Case activity
COVID-19 cases increased slightly last week, back to pre-spring break levels. Percent positivity remains low at the Community Sampling and Tracking Program but did increase after spring break for those seeking testing with symptoms at University Health Service.
New quarantine guidance
Updated guidance from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services states individuals* – regardless of vaccination status – no longer need to quarantine following a close contact exposure but should self-monitor for symptoms for 10 days. Those who experience exposure from contact in their living environment are recommended to wear a mask when around others for 10 days. Employees in the healthcare setting must continue to follow quarantine guidance per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More information is available in this FAQ.
Vaccination compliance
The process for reviewing vaccination information submissions is caught up and 90% of students and 86% of employees are verified as up-to-date on their COVID-19 vaccinations. Administrative holds are being placed for students’ non-compliance with COVID-19 policies, and will prevent students from adding or dropping classes, registering for the future term and requesting an official transcript.
Masking update
Masking is now optional in most indoor spaces, including offices, residence halls and athletic events. Masks remain required in classrooms and other instructional spaces during class times, patient care areas, campus transit and in COVID-19 testing sites. In addition, masks remain required for audiences attending all School of Music, Theatre & Dance concerts and events.
Commencement activities
Guests attending commencement activities may be asked to complete ResponsiBLUE and ResponsiBLUE Guest before entering any of U-M’s indoor ceremony sites (Hill, Crisler, Mendelssohn, Power, etc.). Guests are not required to show vaccination cards or test results. Guests may choose to wear a mask. Masks will be available onsite.